
IHeartFaces: Laughing in the Rain

This is my first time entering the I Heart Faces weekly photo challenge, but when I saw the theme for this week - Bust A Gut - I knew this was the perfect photo. These boys had so much fun splashing through puddles and wading through mud on a rainy, cold November morning. Doesn't it just make you wish you were a kid again? Check out more fun, happy entries here: http://www.iheartfaces.com/2011/11/photo-challenge-laughter/

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Joy Even Through the Clouds...

Oh boy, do I get to photograph some beautiful people! These are newer friends of mine, and new friends are awfully fun too! Already I'm amazed at their perseverance and faith through difficult times. And already I'm amazed at their joy, even when life is cloudy. Just joyful, fun, and did I mention beautiful people?? It was a very cloudy, very windy day the afternoon we took these pictures, but these kids did great. I can tell this mom has trained her kids well to smile perfectly for the camera!

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Oh those brown eyes...

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More beautiful brown eyes...

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Pretty little baby in purple...

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And my personal favorite...

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Is "Encourager" a Word?

I love what I do, and here's one of the many reasons why: We've met so many amazing people in the 7 1/2 years we've lived in Nashville, but life is busy for all of us. Taking pictures of some of my favorite people is a great excuse to spend time together. This is a friend I've known for many years now.  The best word I can use to describe her is "encourager." (My spell check highlighted that - is it not a word? If it's not, it should be.) She has the gift of encouragement probably more than anyone I know - always knowing the right words to say during a difficult time, always there to give support when it's needed and praise when it's deserved, and always ready with words of wisdom for nearly every struggle known to moms. How I love the way her brain works! We used to be in Bible study small groups together, but for the past year I haven't gotten to see her nearly often enough. This weekend we got to spend a whole afternoon together, just her and me, and her husband, and her 3 kids. Good old fashioned quality time. These kids are so much fun - from the sweet, responsible first-born to the free-spirited middle child to the adorable youngest who is quite a charmer. All full of personality and beautiful smiles.

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The hardest part about taking pictures of this middle child is narrowing down which pictures to keep. She has so many expressions, so much personality bubbling out of that tiny body!

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It's so fun to see siblings who actually like each other...

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And parents who like each other too. I'm pretty sure these two still like each other a lot...

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Fun afternoon with a fun family!


Living Real Life

Some families are just extra special. Sometimes you can't quite identify what it is that makes them so special; other times you can. I can tell you exactly what's so great about this family: They are real. Real people, living real life, no pretense, no pretending. You can show up unexpectedly at their house, and she will not be embarrassed if her house is not perfectly clean (because really, whose house is perfectly clean all the time?). At first glance, you may think this woman is Super Mom. Four beautiful, smart, well-behaved, home-schooled children who are also involved in sports, music, theater, and art. She cooks (very well!), she home-schools, she writes church curriculum, and still manages to look beautiful all the time. Plus her husband is awesome and hilarious, or at least that's what he tells me :) But what I love most about her and her family is that she will be the first to tell you that she doesn't always have it all together. Life is a beautiful, challenging, frustrating, and joyful struggle with 4 kids. I love that she shares her struggles with me. I've been so encouraged through the many years that I've known this family, just by watching them live life authentically and honestly. She has been one of my greatest sources of parenting wisdom (because her #2 daughter and my #1 daughter are 2 little peas in a pod), and they as a family have been great role models for my family. They are fun, they are wise, they are joyful, they are honest, and they are real. And did I mention beautiful??

We decided to do this session on the Vanderbilt campus because that's where they both went to school. It was my first time taking pictures there, and I think I may be hooked now. Such a perfect day, beautiful campus, amazing family...

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I wish I had an 11-year old boy who could grow up and marry this girl...

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Or this girl...

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I do have a 5-year old girl who just might marry this boy...

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And their newest little addition, could she be any cuter?

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The kids wanted to pose themselves for this next picture. They are so funny...

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One final shot - this is real life :)

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Dreary Day, Generous Heart

After my daughter was born, my recovery did not go so smoothly. My friend Alison brought me macaroni and cheese for dinner a couple weeks after the delivery. I'm pretty sure it was the best macaroni and cheese I've ever had. And the most amazing part was that I hardly knew Alison at the time, and she had a 10-week old baby of her own (that would be the oldest boy in these pictures...). Since then, she's brought me that same macaroni and cheese dinner several times, as well as multiple other dinners. Any time I need something, she is always the first to volunteer to help. Every single time. I don't think I've ever met anyone with a more giving, more generous, more willing spirit. She is truly a friend with the gift of service, and she has blessed our family in more ways than I can count. Now she has these 2 lively, handsome, hilarious boys who couldn't wait to be photographed today. It was cold, cloudy, and wet out, but they were troopers in their matching yellow rain coats and dragon boots (are they dragon boots??). We almost rescheduled because of the weather. I'm so glad we didn't because I love these pictures....

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Sweet, sweet, sweet boys.

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I had so many fun pictures of this little guy - it was hard to choose just one to put on the blog!

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Thanks for braving the wet, cold weather with me this morning. Just goes to show that sometimes the dreariest weather makes for the best pictures!

Time Marches On

This is a family we've known since our early days in Nashville....before any of their or our children existed yet. It's been fun to watch as we've each passed through different stages of life - residency to fellowship to "real doctors," no children to pregnant to lots of babies, working women to stay-at-home moms to part time working moms. Time is an amazing thing, and I've loved watching this family grow and change through the years. And welcome to the newest addition who, the last time I photographed him, was still snug and warm inside his mama's tummy!

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Like most little boys, Little S wanted nothing to do with my camera. He did, however, think his mom's tricks behind the camera were hilarious :)

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This little guy cracks me up. He has the best expressions on his cute little round face, and I think the only time he stopped smiling the whole time we were together was when we laid him in the cold grass. He was not such a big fan of that. Sorry, little buddy!

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Some of my favorites

I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again...I love this family! Their oldest daughter is one of my daughter's favorite friends, and I'm not sure I would have any sanity left if it weren't for the wise advice and unending support of this friend. I'm definitely thankful to have this family in my life for so many reasons, and looking at their sweet faces reminds me of what a blessing they are to me. Enjoy your fall pictures!

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I love this child!

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Sometimes it's just hard to be a baby...

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