A few weeks ago I sat in the front row for the baptism of the daughter of one of my very favorite friends. I love witnessing a baptism at our church. It's always a beautiful picture of God's faithfulness, His covenant, and the mysterious way that He chooses to work through families. It's also a sobering reminder of the responsibility we have as parents - a responsibility to point our kids to Jesus in every thing we do. Not by being perfect, but by being real, transparent, and humble about our own faults and shortcomings. But I have to admit, as I sat there watching this beautiful little girl be baptized, besides thinking about the spiritual implications of the moment, I also found myself imagining how spectacular she would look in her gorgeous gown in front of a black back drop. I guess that's a sign that I've spent too much time lately behind the lens of my camera. Fortunately, this past week I got the chance to put her in front of that black back drop and photograph her. And of course, she looked amazing. Here she is wearing her beautiful gown that was hand made with lots of love by her sweet grandmother:
I love this next picture because this expression is her signature look. Those bright blue eyes are always busy taking in and absorbing everything around her. I'm pretty sure this baby girl is already smarter than I am!
Oh, those beautiful blue eyes. SO much deep thought is going on behind those eyes!
The gown was fun, but by the end of our time together she was ready to be her sweet little natural self.
I'm so glad I got to be there for her special day, and I'm glad that we got to capture these images of her that will last forever. I believe it's true that God works through families, and this little one is especially blessed to be born in to one of the most amazing families I know. May God shine His gracious face upon you, sweet little girl!
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