
Dreary Day, Generous Heart

After my daughter was born, my recovery did not go so smoothly. My friend Alison brought me macaroni and cheese for dinner a couple weeks after the delivery. I'm pretty sure it was the best macaroni and cheese I've ever had. And the most amazing part was that I hardly knew Alison at the time, and she had a 10-week old baby of her own (that would be the oldest boy in these pictures...). Since then, she's brought me that same macaroni and cheese dinner several times, as well as multiple other dinners. Any time I need something, she is always the first to volunteer to help. Every single time. I don't think I've ever met anyone with a more giving, more generous, more willing spirit. She is truly a friend with the gift of service, and she has blessed our family in more ways than I can count. Now she has these 2 lively, handsome, hilarious boys who couldn't wait to be photographed today. It was cold, cloudy, and wet out, but they were troopers in their matching yellow rain coats and dragon boots (are they dragon boots??). We almost rescheduled because of the weather. I'm so glad we didn't because I love these pictures....

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Sweet, sweet, sweet boys.

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I had so many fun pictures of this little guy - it was hard to choose just one to put on the blog!

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Thanks for braving the wet, cold weather with me this morning. Just goes to show that sometimes the dreariest weather makes for the best pictures!

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